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What is Tafadhol?

Tafadhol is the union between two entities that are highly advanced in their fields of work, each bringing in the much needed experience to set Tafadhol ahead in the specialized field of data science. The result of this union is an entity greater than the sum, specializing in matching services of high scale and caliber. 


Established back in 2006, Al-bilad Co. for Consultancies and Solutions is a Saudi company and since its commencement from a small entity, Al-bilad has developed into an organization that offers wide range of services for the ever-changing needs of its clients and the market. 

Al-bilad services targets the governmental & private sectors along with the commercial & industrial sectors with its diversified expertise in Professional Human Resources Management, Executive Search, Telemarketing, Outsourcing Services, Recruitment Consultancies, Trainings, Project Management, Supply chain and Operations.

Tawazy is a leading Saudi technology company established in 2019 on the hands of Saudi talents. Tawazy aims to be a leading technology company focused towards achieving the Saudi vision 2030.

Tawazy has multiple products in the market, focusing mainly on SaaS offerings for other businesses. Tawazy also specializes in custom computing in the areas of AI, machine learning, high performance computing, and in data science in general.

Tawazy for information Technology

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